Back in Oz
So its been way to long b/w posts and much has happened in the last few months. First and foremost on the list is my 25th birthday on the 5th of December coincided exactly with Fiji's military coup. This latest in a long list of coup's in Fiji meant that Australia basically immediatley withdrew its aid from Fiji (including all AYAD's).
So this meant a lot of uncertainty, confusion, anger, reverse culture-shock for all the AYAD's involved. Especially when we only had two hours notice of evacuation. (What a joke!) Anyway I guess there are worse times to be evacuated back to Australia, (it being summer, xmas, NYE etc...) being told to wait for a return date to Fiji for about two months, however, gets quickly tiresome.

So in short, I have been going to the beach a fair bit down in Blairgowrie, eating lots of nice foods and working on the development of a proud beer belly. As you can see from above winery tours have also taken place with my fellow AYAD's. Below is a photo of me jumping into a rock-pool out the back of Blairgowrie. Its a hella scary jump but lots of fun.

Today, has been the day for decisions about returning to Fiji, basically I am going back in a couple of weeks for a couple of weeks to pick up the stuff I left at 139 Domain rd, have a proper goodbye, and maybe do my scuba course (depending on $). Once back, I am hoping that the AYAD program will have matched me up with another assignment somewhere (hopefully somewhere with a relatively stable political environment) or else it might have to be shirt and tie for yours truely.
Hey Jeremy - you only got two hours notice? Did they think you kinda nice volunteer guys were going to get hurt?
Anyway good luck with your next project.
HEY jeremie... too bad about the whole evac in two hours thing... was kinda sad but hey! is all good...
just wanted to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR... school just started and we're all thinking about the stuff we went through last year... hehehe... good drama it was...
hope you have a good year.
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