Long week-end
So after the overcast rainy volivoli week-end I was determined to get my fix of sunshine. The Yasawas island chain is about as far west as you can go and about as far from Suva as is possible. So I was optimistic in the hope that the weather patterns are different out there. How wrong could I have been as it simply just wasn't meant to be. The whole long week-end apart from a few hours on the Saturday was characterised by a now very familiar grey dullness interspersed of course with the frequently occaisional downpour. Now that my two cents of disappointment are out of the way I can shall continue.
So left Suva Thursday afternoon and managed a ride in the back of the 'Save the Children' 4WD over towards Nadi. 180 kms and 4hrs later we arrived at Alex's (AYAD working in Nadi) and continued to plan the rest of the week-end over some beers and dinner at the Nadi Bay Resort. We had to rise and shine early on Friday as the Yawasa Flyer was departing at 9.00 a.m from Denarau which is a few kilometers from Nadi. Our destination for the Friday day/night was none other than 'Beachcomber Island' which is only a short 20min ride from the mainland. Not really sure how to explain Beachcomber, I think the best way is to say that I was bed No. 85 in the dormitory. I think there is well over a hundred in the dorm with the vast majority of them being English backpackers. Walking in there early on Friday morning was something like sex-ed 101. The place was simply teeming with english backpackers looking for a good time. So due to the unbelievably stormy weather, the drinking and card games got underway before lunch and there was little respite till the wee hours of the morning.

So morning came and time for four hour boat cruise to Oarsman's bay. I must say that I was glad to see the back of that island. Saturday was relatively nice weather (as in it didn't rain) and the sun came through to say hello for a few hours which was a welcome change. So lots of snorkelling and paddling etc... Coral and fish magnificient as usual. Sunday was spent with much of the same except with worse weather and hence the photo above is quite representative of the activities. Monday morning was time for a boat trip out to some caves before our trip back to Nadi. The boat ride there was just excessively cold, wet, rough and long. As you can gather from the photo, I was not very impressed. The caves were pretty cool and we had to dive under water through a kind of tunnel to get into what felt like prehistoric bat caves. Part of the film 'The Blue Lagoon' was filmed there.

Trip back to Suva took in total around nine hours and was not really comfortable. Paradise is not really around the corner from Suva. So already planning and looking forward to my next trip away. Got some friends coming over early November so look forward to seeing them out here and showing them around a bit. I find myself living cheaply during the week so as to finance my week-end fixes of beach.

lol! nice pics jeremie!
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