VoliVoli and some random Fiji pix

VoliVoli is located in the same area as Nananu-i-ra except its still on the mainland. Its a pretty cool backpackers and has a a pretty unique sandbank. My camera has stopped working however, so i guess photos are going to be lacking from this weekend, however, I have posted some random Fiji photos of the market and downtown Suva for y'all to look at. So three of us left Suva under torrential conditions on Friday afternoon. Its true that the heavens opened up. I find myself repeating myself regularly "I've never seen so much rain". First time I had seen proper flooding and there were many a squatter settlement under water. As in pure Fiji style though no one really seemed surprised or anxious at the four hour long journey across rickety bridges and dirt roads that lay ahead. (Check out the photo taken from the first trip of the dodgy bridge).

So we were hoping that by travelling north we might get away from the drowing rain in Suva and acheive some sort of blue sky beach weather. We were mistaken. No rain but overcast the whole time and yet I still managed to get burnt. Friday night was eventful, there was around 15 Feejee experience backpackers from around the world but mostly English, it was a pretty fun and rowdy night. I especially liked the crab races and the bonfire on the beach is always a good way to end a night. Saturday morning was spent snorkelling off a reef whilst those with their Padi diving certificates went diving. I still love the snorkelling, the soft coral and the fish are amazing. One of the girls got seasick and it was fairly fun to see the colour drain from her face in the space of five minutes. The rest of the week-end was spent reading books, eating, drinking beer, playin cards etc... It really doesn't have the same atmosphere as when it is sunny though. So long bus ride home last night and back at work today. My boss has been away for a week as her father died last week and I got to experience a Fijian style pre-funeral with the kava presentation and the drinking. It was very culturally different from a Westerners perspective as it wasn't as sombre as I expected.
Its a short week for me this week as for the first time since I have been here, its a long week-end and I am taking Friday and Tuesday off and heading off to the Yasawas. Its very remote and a long way to travel but I have been reliably informed that it is simply stunning. Hope you enjoy some of the random photos of downtown Suva.

hey jeremie, i feel stupid asking this but could you check out my blog and comment on it? PLEASE!!!!
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