At work, lovo time and 139 Domain rd

This is a photo of me hard at work doing my French program. I have a show every Tuesday for an hour where I play some of my favorite French music and talk about French news around the world. I have had no complaints so far, not sure whether that's because of a lack of people listening who can speak French or if they like what I have playin (I personally think its the former). No matter, its still good to get some different music on the airwaves anyway. I have had about enough of the usual UB40 and top of the pop mixes that are usually played around the station. The station is about to embark on its first ever radio documentary productions. I am working on writing grants and fundraising activities to get some new equipment. Its pretty dry and I have never really done much grantwriting before but if all goes well we should get some free equipment. The first documentary is going to be on the issues regarding 'kava' drinking (this Fijian tradition is going to need a new posting all by itself), the social, economic, health aspects etc....

A couple of photos of my housing so kindly supplied by the Fijian government. I am pretty sure it hasn't been renovated since it was built some time last century but it keeps the rain off my head and serves its purpose well. We have some pretty cool geckos living there which I find pretty cool but its the fatty centipedes that really freak me out. Carolyn (my flatmate pictured below) was bitten by one in her sleep and had to go to hospital and on a course of anti-biotics. I found one of those bad boys in the shower with me the other day. Domain is situated about 2.5 kms from the University called Domain and about the same distance to town. The suburb is definitely one of the richer ones in Suva and interspersed with the government housing are some really beautiful ones. Its still not really safe to walk around at night though as its very dark and scary at night.

Sunday lovo. I have had the pleasure to have already had two of these since I have been here and am looking forward to many more. Its a great cure for the night before. Its basically an earth oven where you can put in everything from lambs shanks, excellent fresh fish called 'walu', whole chickens and all the traditional Fijian root vegetables such as dalo and cassava that have absolutely no taste but have an insane amount of carbohydrates and is therefore excellent at feeding hungry people. You wrap everything up and then cover it with leaves and let it cook for about 3 -4 hours and it comes out cooked to perfection.

I was abruptly awoken at 5.15 in the morning last week-end after having held a house party in the guise of my house warming and only getting to bed around four o'clock (wise planning on my behalf). The reason for the unsavoury hour get-up-and-go was that we had organised some white water rafting down the navua river. It was a 28 km stroll down stream. I was kind of expecting some serious grade 5 rapids but in the end we only got grade two which to be completely honest felt like what I imagine a ride at wobbies world would be like. It was no matter though, there was some beautiful scenery and some excellent swims were had. It was really nice to see some of the Fijian countryside although I must admit a little concerning and sad to see how much logging was going and the effects it was having on the environment. All in all an excellent day was had. I have some photos from this wild ride but seem to be having trouble uploading them, so maybe on another posting.
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